

This is my all round “go to”  blend to help unwind. The harmonic synergy of of the oils work magic from the base of the spine to the top of the head to help “let go”. It’s also an excellent blend that can be easily modified to enhance different qualities within the blend. For instance, Rose may be added to enhance the heart of the blend along with the beautiful Egyptian Geranium , or Jasmine may be added for enhancing the sacral chakra and is a natural harmonious companion for the Ylang-ylang, Mandarin or Sweet Orange could also be included if more citrus is desired to enhance the blends’ calming effect, etc. But honestly, Harmony is perfectly harmonious all on its own. Add a few drops to your favourite base oil for a sensually relaxing massage or body oil treat. Nice in the diffuser anytime. This blend has many application uses for you to create the perfect melody for your body, mind and spirit.


100% pure therapeutic essential oils.

Includes: Italian Bergamot, Fine French Lavender, Egyptian Geranium, Corsican Mandarin Petitgrain, high sclareol Clary Sage, iron distilled Patchouli & Madagascar Ylang-Ylang.

Uses: Diffuser, massage, inhalation, unguent and perfume.

Additional information

100ml, 15ml, 5ml