A different kind of boutique since 1999
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide our consumers with the purest and highest quality personal care products without the use of harmful synthetics or petro-chemicals. We believe people should have an informed choice about the products they use and strive to educate our clientele while keeping ourselves informed with all the latest up to date information on health, beauty, well-being and product information. We support the small, organic farmer by using organic and ethically wild crafted produce whenever possible. We believe in fair trade and stand by our commitment to take care of Mother Earth by donating a percentage of our profits to making this world a better place to live in through non-profit and charitable organizations of our choosing.

Isis Essentials
We are purveyors of fantastic therapeutic essentials oils, rare extracts and hydrosols from select producers and distillers from around the world. Since 1999 Isis Essentials has specialized in the meticulous creation of natural perfume, nutritional skin care products and body care designed for radiant health, beauty and to nurture ones soul.

Isis Exotica
“From the Ashram to the Dungeon.” We proudly offer a sensational hand picked selection of luxury adult erotics, lubes, books and fine implements of unsurpassed quality and integrity for the sexual well-being and pleasure of our discerning clientele. “Sex is neither a brainless nor a soulless activity, but a very sweet way of surrendering to spirit.” ~Jack Rinella “Philosophy in the Dungeon”.

Who I am
I’m on the ground so to speak. From frolicking in lavender fields in France to flying hook pulls in the foot hills of Northern California. I like to be there. To smell the aroma of thousands of flowers all at once. To feel the energy ripping through spirit and flesh all at once. Hollering, laughing, crying, singing and dancing the ecstatic in prayer to the beat of the drum. I want to connect. To create. To make perfume and other smelly stuff. To delight in the awesome wonders that mother nature has to offer and shine a little light through the darkness to humbly give back. That is a bit of who I am. I’m also old school crazy as all heck, live in the woods, and have been wearing John Fluevog footwear and listening to Iggy Pop since the 1970’s.
This is what I’ve learned and wish to share through my work at Isis
I’ve learned that different Chamomile essential oils smell curiously like chocolate when blended together and that Clove when blended with Rose smells like Carnation. I’v experienced that Cardamom with Ginger and Tulsi makes a lovely aphrodisiac and that a good Mandarin Petitgrain can fool a nose in believing it’s true Neroli. I’ve learned that essential oil from Thyme that grows close to sea level usually contains a high phenol content making it more aggressive than the Thyme oils produced from those growing at higher elevations. I’ve also learned that the secondary metabolites present in many essential oils can have a dramatic effect at addressing viral conditions at a cellular level and help improve our quality of life. But most of all, what I have leaned through the quarter of a century of working with all of you, is what you bring. Each individual fingerprint is as unique as each fingerprint of essential oil. Your personal divine essence with all your hopes, fear, pain, joy and stories that you share with me is what I’ve learned most from. It has been a journey shared in healing, growing and learning that keeps us all connected to heal as a planet and for this planet together. And for that I am eternally grateful and thank you. Call it Primal Survival 101 through Thyme.
Education & Expertise
- Valentina received her aromatherapy training back in the ’90’s from the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, who she fondly considers family and continues forever to learn from and who she loves to help out whenever she can.
- She is an internationally certified aromatherapist and certified natural perfumer with a background in personal training, yoga, tantra and macrobiotic nutrition.
- Valentina graduated from Total Education in 1978 and later became part of the Bruhanski Theatre Studio in Vancouver BC., to which she is forever indebted to for saving her life from ever being anything but a fascinating, wondrous journey into the study of human character.
- Valentina lives with her partner Ray on the wrong side of the tracks in the back woods of Canada in Nelson BC.