

Neroli is widely believed to have been named during the 16th century for Princess Anne Maria de La Tremoille of Nerola, Italy, who obsessively fell in love with its intoxicating fragrance, using it as her personal perfume, and introducing the oil to her homeland. Whether truth or myth, the ever beloved exquisite fragrance of Neroli from the flowers of the Bitter Orange tree, is an essential must for any perfumer and aromatic enthusiast. This rare & costly limited edition specimen, is from a magnificent Seville orange grove in Seville, Spain.


Neroli : (Citrus aurantium var amara)~ flowers Origin: Spain Method: Genuine & Authentic oil from distilled organic blossoms. Properties: Calming; tonifying; anti spasmodic; anti depressive; anti viral; antibacterial; aphrodisiac; cell regenerating. Primary Constituents: Alcohols (linalool) Monoterpenes (limonene; b-pinene) Esters (geranyl acetate; lineally) Sesquiterpene alcohol (nerolildol). Blends exquisitely with Frankincense, Rose, Jasmine, Lavender and Helichrysum. Extends beautifully with our Corisican Mandarin Petitgrain. RARE!

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2 ml, 5 ml 10%, 5ml