Silver Fir


A soft conifer from Austria. This elegant European Fir is a wonderful, economical addition for your conifer collection. Especially nice in blends containing citrus oils or other conifers. I like to blend it with our White Pine and Blue Spruce along with some Wild Orange or other citrus oils. Makes a lovely, anti viral pick me up during the cold winter months;~ or anytime for that matter. it’s gentle fragrance will not over-power other aromatics, making it a really nice addition for blending with anytime of the year.


Silver Fir: (Abies alba) ~needle Origin: Austria Method: Steam distilled Properties: Anti viral; calming; decongesting; antiseptic. Primary Constituents: Monoterpenes. Blends well with other needle oils, citrus oils, and Lavender.

Additional information

100ml, 15ml, 5ml