St. John’s Wort Solar Infused Oil


Wild-crafted St. John’s Wort buds from the pristine Kootenay mountains in beautiful British Columbia. These hand picked fresh buds are carefully macerated in organic cold pressed virgin olive oil and allowed to solar infuse over several weeks. The decanted oil is then passed over fresh new buds then allowed to infuse for another several weeks. Then it’s done all over again for a 3rd go. This is what is called a triple infused oil. It is very labour intensive but the resulting product is well worth it! Plus I love my summer morning walks picking juicy buds surrounded by honey bees :)) The final macerated oil has a characteristic red colour that ranges from a golden amber red hue to a deep ox-blood shade. The resulting oil is particularly anti-inflammatory, soothing to inflamed nerves, helpful for cases of neuralgia, sciatica, fibrosis, sprains, bruises and burns.  This 2022 years batch is exquisitely deep red and rich. Gorgeous!

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Contents: Triple solar infused wild crafted St. John’s Wort buds (Hypericum) macerated in cold pressed virgin olive oil (Olea europaea).

Our amazing Mighty St. John’s Super Blend with added pain relieving essentials oils can be found here.

Additional information

148 mls, 30 mls, 45 gms, 500ml, 65 mls