

 Fragonia has been an up and coming new star on the aromatherapy scene for several years now. Its chemical composition closely resembles Tea Tree plus some very unique components that show remarkable talent on treating a wide spectrum of conditions including candida albicans, colds & flus, muscle pain, skin conditions & infections. Where fragonia really shines however, is on the emotional level. According to Robbi Zeck and through our own personal experience, Fragonia has the ability to harmonize the emotions and relieve old behavioral patterns~  especially those stemming from our family of origin. Most of us could use a little of that I’m sure! We all really love Fragonia around here for a whole lot of different reasons that seem to work just right.


Fragonia™ : (Agonis fragrans) ~leaves Origin: AUS – c/org Method: Steam distilled. Properties: Antimicrobial; anti-bacterial; anti-fungal; anti-infectious; anti viral; analgesic; balancing. Blends well with Tea Tree, Geranium, Manuka & MQV. Primary Constituents: oxides (1.8 cineol) monoterpenes (a-pinene) alcohols (linalool, geraniol, terpene-4-ol) 1:1:1: ratio. Uses: Topically neat or in a carrier, inhalation.

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15ml, 5ml