Cinnamon Bark


Cinnamon Bark essential oil is one of the most powerfully anti viral, anti fungal and anti bacterial essential oils in  the aromatherapeutic cabinet. This Cinnamon Bark essential oil from Madagascar is the closest to fresh Cinnamon Bark we’ve smelled & tasted outside of the Co2 extract. Very nice! Hot and sweet as Cinnamon should be.


Cinnamon Bark:(Cinnamomum ceylanicum )~bark Origin: Madagascar c/org Method: Steam distilled Properties: Antiseptic -Bronchitis -Bacterial infections -Intestinal tract *Digestive support of proteins for vegetarians (TCM) Blends well with Lemon & Thyme thymol. Primary constituents: Aromatic aldehydes (cinnamic aldehyde) 70% Phenols 5%. Uses: Internal preferably highly diluted. Toothpick method works great!

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15ml, 5ml