Siberian Fir ~Siberia


This fine Fir from Siberia is one of the most cold hardy conifers, surviving -50 C temperatures in the frigid mountainous boreal climate, yet it is sensitive to wind and sunburn and rarely survives over 200 years. The aroma is fresh pine forest yet soft, sweet, smooth and relaxing. It displays strength and vulnerability, lending itself to great potential for healing both physically and emotionally. Its chemical profile with its high bornyl acetate content, makes it a very nice relaxing  and anti-inflammatory conifer with a great affinity for respiratory conditions. Emotionally, Siberian Fir helps to de-stress, smoothing the emotions and calming the mind, allowing us to centre, ground, and breathe deep. We all could use a little of that at this time. Hail! Hail!


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Siberian Fir: (Abies sibirica)~needles Origin: SIB Method: Steam distilled Properties: expectorant, rubefacient, relaxing, deodorizing, antiviral, anti fungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory. Constituents: bornyl acetate (30.31%), camphene (19.81%), 3-carene (13.85%), tricyclene (12.90%), dl-limonene (7.50%), α-pinene (2.87%), caryophyllene (2.18%), β-phellandrene (2.13%), borneol (1.74%), bicyclo [2.2.1]hept-2-ene,2,3-dimethyl (1.64%) and α-terpinene (1.24%). Blends well with Rosemary, Douglas Fir, Inula, Lavender, Ho Wood, citrus oils & other conifers.

Additional information

15ml, 5ml