Sage, Greek (Triloba)


Greek Sage or Sage Triloba, has a much lower thujone content than the more common Dalmation or Spanish Sage. And because the cineole content is higher it is not unlike a fine Rosemary. The herb has a long tradition of use in Greece and Turkey, where it is valued for its beauty, medicinal value, and culinary use, along with its sweet nectar and pollen. It also has a long tradition of use in various Muslim rituals—for newborn children, at weddings, in funerals, burnt as incense and is used in cooking.


Sage triloba (salvia fruticosa) ~herb Origin: TUR c/org wild craft Properties: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antimicrobial .Primary constituents: oxides.

*It has recently been shown that the oil of Salvia triloba has potent chemopreventive abilities in the DMBA/TPA mouse model of skin carcinogenesis.

Gali-Muhtasib, HU., “Anticancer and Medicinal Properties of Essential Oil and Extracts of East Mediterranean Sage (Salvia triloba)”, New Trends in Research Strategies on Lead Molecules from Natural Products. M.T. Khan (Ed.) 2006 :169-180.

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