Lavandin Grosso


 Lavandin Grosso is distilled from clippings of the original plant, selected in the early 1920s by Monsieur Grosso for which it’s named after. It has been propagated and continuously replanted ever since.

Lavandins are the most successful essential oil producing plants ever. They yield far more oil than the typical Lavenders yet are for all intense and purposes mostly interchangeable with more costly Lavenders.

Truly a mainstay in any relax or de-stress blend.


Lavandin Grosso: (Lavandin x hybrida grosso)~flower tops Origin: FR certified organic Method: steam distilled Properties: Anti-inflammatory; soothing. Primary Constituents: Esters Use: Use as you would any Lavender. Topical, shower, bath, diffuser, etc. Sweet & flowery. Blends well with everything.

Additional information

100ml, 15ml, 5ml