Butt Kicker


Studies have shown essential oils can help you quit your nicotine addiction.

Aromatherapy is not a miracle cure, you have to want to quit first. With the right mind set, determination and the use of other smoking cessation techniques, using essential oils can play a significant role in your efforts in helping to quit your nicotine smoking addiction. Trial studies have concurred the significance of a number of essential oils in having the ability to reduce cravings, delay craving time, plus ease the symptoms of nicotine withdrawl symptoms. Combined with other smoking cessation techniques, aromatherapy may help to increase your chances of quitting and staying quit once and for all.

Butt Kicker essential oil blend is designed to help relieve some of the nasty symptoms you may experience while trying to quit smoking. It can  extend the period of time you go between lighting up while helping uplift your mood and calm anxiety. It is beneficial in clearing the lung air passages  building up the immune symptom and reduce cravings. You may use this blend in conjunction with other nicotine replacement aids such as the patch or you may want to try it “cold turkey” or both. Nicotine smoking is a powerful addiction. It can take time to quit and relapses are common. Remember to be gentle with yourself. If you fall off the wagon, just get back on. Butt Kicker is not a cure all but it may help. You’ll definitely feel better and smell much better too!


A proprietor blend of 100% pure essential oils including *Black Pepper, *Angelica root, Bergamot, Clary sage, Sweet Marjoram and others. Comes with a handy blank inhaler.

How to use the Butt Kicker essential oil blend:

You could use this blend topically, diluted in a roll-on bottle, but this blend is most effective using inhalation rather than topical application in our opinion.

Aromatherapy Blank Inhaler – To use, place 25 drops of the essential oil blend into a small bowl. Add the cotton swab provided with the inhaler to the bowl and roll it around until it has soaked up the essential oils. Place the swab into inhaler tube and close. You can pull the inhaler out wherever and take a few deep whiffs for up to 2 minutes (the amount of time it roughly takes to smoke a cigarette) whenever you are feel like lighting up.

You can also use this blend in a diffuser if you wish or make a personal roll-on diluted in a carrier. Smells wonderful!

Black pepper oil (piper nigrum) is said to be one of the most effective quit smoking oils because inhaling it stimulates the respiratory system in a way that mimics cigarette smoke, which helps reduce cravings and anxiety.

Angelica oil (angelica archangelica) also known as the “oil of angels”, angelica oil, when inhaled, reduces cravings and helps people stop smoking for longer than without inhaling the vapor.

Additional information

15ml, 5ml