White Spruce


We here at Isis love our Spruce oils. This special northern Canadian White Spruce helps to ground us and encourages the strength to face obstacles and move forward together. Like all Spruce oils, it is a must have for adrenal depletion, fatigue and as a general tonic. And like most Eucalyptus essential oils, our northern White Spruce is a good oil to have on hand for reducing cold & flu symptoms, room disinfecting and as a sinus and lung decongestant. It is purifying, decongesting, invigorating, tonifing, pain relieving and balancing. Closely linked to survival, White Spruce is there to help us overcome dis-ease. White Spruce helps open blocked channels, giving voice to creative inspiration with the will to move forward and towards with grounded clarity.


White Spruce: (Picea glauca)~needles & twigs Origin: Can Method: Steam distilled from ethically wild crafted, certified organic material Properties: Decongesting; antiseptic; antimicrobial; antibacterial; anti viral; anti fungal; stimulating;  antispasmodic; anti inflammative; nerve equilibrating; tonifying. Primary Constituents: Mono terpenes. a-pinene; ß-pinene; limonene; myrcene; camphene, bornyl acetate (ester). Blends well with White Pine, Lemon, Sweet Orange, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Ravintsare & Bay Laurel. Contraindications: For external use only.

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100ml, 15ml, 5ml