Shibari Hemp Rope-Red


This special rope is a very Japanese style rope designed specifically for Kinbaku using a higher than average yarn count for extra strength and smoothness. This gorgeous hand dyed red rope is light, strong, fast, and very forgiving of rough handling. The colour is amazingly vibrant and consistent to the core. It can be used as is but oiling or waxing between uses will help preserve it and create a wonderful silkiness with use. I like to use a bit of Camellia oil with perhaps a drop or 2 of essential oil such as Lavender or Ylang-Ylang. Makes play time extra specially fun and enjoyable! Be sure to check in with your playmates regarding sensitivities or allergies first though. 😉 Best rope ever!


3 in stock

  • 100% Hemp rope hand dyed and treated
  • 6mm x 9m (30 ft)
  • Made to specification for Kinbaku in the E.U.