Clearing, Purifying, Cleansing & Awakening

Let’s Celebrate the passing of Winter and make way for Spring!

Imbolc is a time of new beginnings and the awakening of the world below the earth before spring. At this time of the year we may not see much change above the earth (especially in our gloriously abundant snow covered country here in the Kootenays), but we sense the heartbeat of the earth growing stronger, as the days get longer.

This is a good time to do some clearing out of the old to make room for new beginnings and the start of fresh things to come. 

A time to honour that which is yet to be. 

A time that represents the renewing power of the Sun, illuminating our path ahead. A time that reflects surging flame energy. 

Imbolc is the perfect time to get down and do some clearing and make room for Spring. To de-clutter and create a fresh, clean tone in our homes.

Our Isis “Thieves” essential oil blend is the perfect companion to do some household cleaning with. A potent anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti bacterial synergy of oils that you can use to make extremely effective and cost efficient house hold cleaners that smell great for virtually every area of your home.

Another wonderful purifying essential oil for you home is our ethically harvested Palo Santo from Ecuador. Use it on its own sparingly or try blending it with a little Lavandin or Lemongrass.

At Imbolc we ask for inspiration and guidance for new plans and projects, and we give thought to the unseen mysteries unfolding in the dark

Now it’s time for a purification ritual bath to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Light some candles, turn off technology, run a bath, choose some oils and unwind. Frankincense, Cypress and Rose, Vetivert and Davana or Lavender and Chamomile  make lovely oils this time of year. Whatever is pulling you. What are you feeling? Our Ritual Blend or Midnight Warrior may be the perfect blend for you right now. You choose. Remember, It’s your time. Add a few drops of your chosen oils to your bath and allow the scents to envelope and embrace your body and mind as you immerse yourself. Let them speak to you and show you their wisdom to which we are intimately and profoundly connected to through the limbic system and emotional memory. Ask them graciously for guidance into the mystery.

Imbolc is a powerful time for reflection and renewal that brings potency to our lives at both a personal level and collectively as a planet here on Mother Earth. Spirit pulsates in everyone and everything, let us honour Her at this time and give thanks. Imbolc Blessings to ALL!